Professional Depth Coaching
Depth Coach, specializing in Life Purpose, Transitions, and Dream Work
Depth Coaching combines Pamela’s training as a Jungian Analyst with Coaching theory and practices. Both Jungian Analysis and Depth Coaching help clients discover their deepest values, and connect to the well-spring of their life’s passions.
But Depth Coaching is more forward focused, providing the time and the attention to uncovering your passions, strengths, interests and values, and then together, translating them into inner and outer goals that help you accomplish what you desire, step-by-step.
Also, Coaching is often a short-term process, focused on an issue or a transition in life that may require only three to six months to address. Coaching may also be done in-person, by phone, or video conferencing.
The Benefits of Depth Coaching:
- Exploring passions, values, strengths, interests and core beliefs
- Discovering the power within you to live according to your own purpose and desire
- Learn how dreaming and dreamwork can connect you to your deeper authentic self that is trying to emerge
- Uncovering obstacles and patterns that sabotage success and fulfillment, and learning how to work with them
- Learn how imagination, inquiry, creativity, shadow and dreamwork can help you find your own unique individual path to living the life of your dreams
- Learn to adapt and cope with challenging transitions
- Defining new goals and developing a plan to make them a reality
- ForLeading a happier, more successful life.
Energy Leadership Index Assessment
Take the Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI), and discover your current energy profile. This profile will show you what archetypal energy patterns you use most, as well as reveal other patterns that may serve you better. The ELI also measures the level of your emotional and intellectual engagement in life, your current level of consciousness, and the pattern of thoughts, emotions, and energy that drives and/or restrains you every day.
Forbes listed the ELI assessment as one of the best tests to help you understand your strengths and weaknesses. It’s a great starting point to learn more about yourself, and discover many other options to cultivate in your own life.
Pamela is a Certified Professional Coach, and a Master Practitioner of the Energy Leadership Index Assessment, certified by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). Pamela can do this very helpful assessment and debrief with you.
Depth Coaching Clients
Pamela specializes in Depth Coaching with individuals who are:
- In the second-half-of-life and are experiencing a “mid-life” crisis;
- Are asking “Is that all there is?”;
- Are yearning for a more meaningful life or want to make a change, but don’t know how to go about it;
- Have reached retirement or transitioning towards it, and want to discover and live life more fully;
- Or are pondering those larger existential issues around aging and death, and want to make the most of the time they have left!
If this sounds like you, please contact me to explore if Depth Coaching is right for you.